Bursts of Happy

Bursts of Happy
These images all make me very, very happy for many different reasons. Some reasons don’t have feelings attached that are easily penned. They are very emotional, perhaps as you look at these you’ll feel little bursts and tingles just like I do. They’re all from random places, links are below, but found living together beautifully [...]

These images all make me very, very happy for many different reasons. Some reasons don’t have feelings attached that are easily penned. They are very emotional, perhaps as you look at these you’ll feel little bursts and tingles just like I do. They’re all from random places, links are below, but found living together beautifully on the decor8 blog of the week: Dress, Design & Decor.

Dress, Design & Decor

Row 1: Blueprint magazine, Martha Stewart. Row 2: Italy via Flickr (unknown), Martha Stewart. Row 3: Martha Stewart, Alexa Chung (photographer unknown).

Something about yellows and blues and blush pink…

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