Decorator’s Cleanse

Decorator’s Cleanse
Selling nearly all of your furniture for an international relocation is tough but on the flipside it’s extremely liberating. It’s a lot like dashing outside and dancing in your front yard, in a bikini, in the rain singing Dancing Queen as loudly as possible. I did strange things like that as a child, only in [...]

Selling nearly all of your furniture for an international relocation is tough but on the flipside it’s extremely liberating. It’s a lot like dashing outside and dancing in your front yard, in a bikini, in the rain singing Dancing Queen as loudly as possible. I did strange things like that as a child, only in my polka dot bikini with the ruffles on the bum. The things you can get away with as a kid! When you’re little you just want to be big so you can be free — and when you’re all grown up you often realize how free you really were as a child - you certainly could jump on the bed, wear crazy clothes, pull someone’s hair when you were mad, or yank the cat’s tail and sure — it wasn’t necessarily good behavior but you weren’t measured in the same way as when you’re an adult.

“She’s young honey, it’s a phase.”


If I were to dance in a bikini with a ruffled bum, in my yard, during the next big T storm I may end up being carted off for a very long time. I think as adults we often lose a lot of our freedoms that childhood allowed, or simply overlooked, and in some ways it’s a bit sad. I guess that’s why lots of us rebel and want to be an adult but still maintain a bit of the child we once were and still sort of are. Which leads me back to relocating and selling most of my furniture. There is a great feeling of freedom with this and in a sense, a clean slate is before me now. A childlike feeling like, “yeah who cares, it’s just stuff!” and I’m liking it. Sure, my home is a hot mess right now, I have bubble wrap and tape everywhere and watch out! because you just may stab yourself if you sit on anything because likely there’s a pair of scissors or knife waiting for you there. But this is fun (not the sitting on sharp objects part but the removal of stuff part) because it means out with the old and in with the new. “Yeah, baby, Yeahhhh!” - Austin Powers.


Which now brings me to the new. You know how you feel after you’ve done a detox cleanse? You eat the house, am I right? So I assume it will be the same as I start anew. I’ll be wanting everything to replace all that I left behind. I will need shelving for my new office, a wardrobe, and a slew of other things. I’ve started a little wish list and I’m liking some of these options at Car Moebel in Germany. They have excellent quality products and delivery, and their customer service is exceptional.


I love that they now carry some of the TineK Home line, one of my favorite furniture & interior accessories companies in the world (their website is heavenly, a glimpse from the TineK catalog can be seen in all of the above photos). Here are some other great finds from the Car Moebel collection.

car moebel

Konsoltisch (console table) or in this case, a nice side table idea for the bed that doubles as a writing desk or a place to use your laptop.

car moebel

Another great table with an antique finish. I can’t say I would own it, but I love the little window and how well this space is styled - I want to relax in a bathroom like this one.

car moebel

Computerschrank (computer closet) Very practical for a dining area or living room though I prefer my computer on a standard desk. What about you, in a closet or out? No that’s not a personal question - he he.

car moebel

Regal (shelf) - these are great and I love that you can order them in white. Perfect for my new office, maybe… Something for me to bookmark.

car moebel

Lampenfuß (lamp base) and Lampenschirm (lamp shade) in black - love! I wish they sold that gray blouse and purse, it’s so cute. Scratch the shoes though, I’d fall on my butt and sprain something.

car moebel

Kleiderschrank (clothes closet) - the chubby ball feet are the cutest (vs typical square legs).

car moebel

Sitzmöbel/Bänke (I guess this is like a ottoman or footstool — something along these lines maybe? Sitzmöbel is like saying “sit furniture” in English, right? I’m still learning!). I love how fluffy this one is.

car moebel

And finally, a really pretty and relaxing bedroom space with a high gloss white floor. I have the exact lamp on that little stool by the way, it’s in my living room here.

So yes, I’ll no doubt be returning to my wild ways once I land on new shopping turf with a few rooms worth of stuff missing. Then I will hit places like Car Moebel and flea markets and repeat the process of building a nest once again. Only this time I will make smarter purchases, try not to make impulse purchases (ok, who am I kidding?) and I’ll at least have all of you to vote in on my choices as I go. But for now, may the decorator’s cleanse begin!

(images: tinek home and car moebel)

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