Pretty Good
Pretty Good
I stumbled across Pretty Good today and I’ve bookmarked it for future drooling. I love how this clever lady pulled together her blog — each post is a photo in which she doodles her thoughts on for that particular moment. The site is pretty much text free and all the photos appear to be ones [...]
I stumbled across Pretty Good today and I’ve bookmarked it for future drooling. I love how this clever lady pulled together her blog — each post is a photo in which she doodles her thoughts on for that particular moment. The site is pretty much text free and all the photos appear to be ones she has taken herself.
I love this very visual approach to blogging and that it’s her own work — quite unique and definitely worth your time today if you have a moment to look at Pretty Good… you’ll like the happy feelings it leaves you with I’m sure.
(images: pretty good)
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